Garlic Crispbreads 蒜香脆包



麵粉 x 210克
即用酵母 x 1/2茶匙
橄欖油 x 2湯匙 + 2湯匙 (塗)
蒜頭 x 3粒 (磨蓉)
乾番茜 x 1茶匙
海鹽 x 1/2茶匙


1. 把焗爐預熱至180度。把牛油紙放到焗盆上。
2. 把即用酵母加入125毫升的暖水內, 發打至起泡。
3. 把麵粉篩在另外一個大容器內,中間開一個井,倒入2/3的酵母水。
4. 加入橄欖油和鹽。
5. 攪拌至麵團成形,如有需要可加入更多的酵母水。麵粉團應是濕潤但不黏手。
6. 搓揉大約10分鐘,把它轉到另外一個以塗上油的器皿上,用保鮮紙或廚房布包着,待發酵1小時。
7. 分成八個小麵糰,把每一個放在灑上少少麵粉的工作台上,捲壓成很扁長形狀。
8. 把扁平的麵粉糰轉移到已有牛油紙的焗盆上。
9. 塗上橄欖油和蒜蓉,再灑上乾番茜。
10. 焗大約10分鐘至金黃色,轉到線架上待涼。


Plain White Flour x 210g
Fast-Action Dried Yeast x 1/2tsp
Olive Oil x 2tbsp + 2tbsp for brushing
Garlic x 3cloves (minced)
Dried Parsley x 1tbsp
Sea salt x 1/2tsp


1. Preheat the oven to 180c. Place a baking sheet on a baking tray.
2. Pour 125ml warm water into a bowl and add in the yeast. Whisk well and allow the yeast to foam.
3. Sift the flour into another large bowl. Make a well in the centre. Pour in 2/3 of the yeast water.
4. Add olive oil and a sprinkle of salt.
5. Stir together until a dough forms. Add more yeast water if needed. The dough should be moist but not sticky.
6. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes. Transfer to an oiled bowl. Cover with clingfilm or a kitchen cloth. Place it in a warm place for 1 hour.
7. Divide the dough into 8 balls. Roll each dough ball to a very thin sheet on a lightly floured surface.
8. Transfer the dough sheet to the baking sheet on a baking tray.
9. Brush with olive oil and massage with minced garlic and sprinkle with dried parsley,
10. Bake for 10 minutes until golden and crispy. Let cool on a wire racks.
